Policy on Responsible Lending

Iloans90.com is committed to protect its customers from payday loan lenders involved in unscrupulous lending practices. We actively educate and inform consumers of the options they have to help them make beneficial loan decisions in a smart way.

Truth in Lending Act

Company's policy on responsible lending closely follows and recognizes the laws and regulations set by Fair Lending Laws in Lending Act. Before a consumer falls under any obligation to the loan process, they will be given, in writing, all the fees and charges, as well as rates in detail for the consumer to understand the terms clearly. There are particular states, which have certain laws that should be reviewed and highlighted prior to signing any contract.

Fair Lending

A fair lending is defined as fair, equitable, and nondiscriminatory access to credit for consumers. Lenders must be ethical and engage in fair lending practices. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is authorized by the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform Act, as an agency to enforce these guidelines. It's encouraged to file a complaint with the agency if any problems with payday loans arise.

Fair Debt Collection Practices

Iloans90.com will always adhere to the provisions of the Fair Debt collection Practices Act when consumers repay their loans. Iloans90.com is not a lender, thus, the company can't collect debts from consumers, only the lenders in our network can use all the lawful means to collect your debt if it is unpaid. These are the actions that are considered as violations of the Act:

a. When no legal action is permitted, threatening legal recourse.

b. Trying to collect the debt from consumers through misrepresentation or deception.

c. Calling consumers with the intent to annoy, harass, abuse, use profane or inappropriate language, etc at anytime.

d. Try to reach a consumer anytime before 8 am or after 6 pm.

If for any reason, one of our lenders is caught violating any of these rules, or any other FDCPA statute, Iloans90.com will break all ties with the lender and its company and subsequently report them to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission).

Regulations of State

Lending laws vary in each state. Obeying the local laws regarding fees, maximum loan terms, specific limits and duration of loans, are all included in each specific state's regulations.

Educating the Consumer

There are educational resources provided by Iloans90.com. They are written by a qualified team of financial professionals. Included are details regarding laws and regulations as they apply to each state differently. In addition, there is information about the different protection agencies available, and some options other than a cash loan which could be available to you.

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